August 29, 2013

Where Did Billy Ray Go?

When I watched Miley Cyrus slither on stage at the recent MTV awards looking like a cross between a 12 year- old boy and a seasoned pole dancer, I felt as though someone had kicked me in the stomach. Clearly she was coached to act sexually outrageous in order to get attention. But her handlers forgot to tell her that she would embarrass herself and, hopefully, her family. Her performance showed how seriously she has been prostituted by adults wanting to gain one thing: a lot of money. And as she moved on stage I wondered, where is Billy Ray?

I remember an interview that Billy Ray did in 2007 when he described his relationship with his then 14 -year -old daughter. He remarked that he enjoyed teaching her to cook hot dogs and play games with her but when it came to discipline, he wasn’t very keen on it. That was her mother’s territory. Clearly over the past six years, his fatherly influence has waned miserably. I don’t know Billy Ray and before I would indict him as a bad father, it is important to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps Miley and /or her mother cut him out of Miley’s life. What happened on stage several nights ago shows what happens to young girls who have no fatherly influence; for no dad who cherishes his daughter would advocate such sexually ridiculous behavior.

But rather than point fingers, I think that it I important to learn a few things. First, Miley, at 20 years of age, is still cognitively not yet an adult. We know through studies on brain development that the higher brain functions (those that help young people understand behavior and their consequences) aren’t complete. That means that parents must still give strong and clear guidance to 20 -year -old children in order to keep them safe. I wonder if Billy Ray knows this.

Second, we must recognize that the same forces, which seduced Miley to behave as she did, are at work on our kids too. The difference between our kids and Miley are only two things: she has more money and more exposure. But with access to the Internet, many of our young daughters can acquire enormous exposure and let’s not be fools. They know how to get attention, just like Miley does. So we must be relentlessly diligent in keeping tabs on what our girls show to whom and when.

Third, Miley’s behavior shows us how desperately girls crave male attention. That means, dads, you’re on. We can glean from her performance that she didn’t get nearly enough attention from Billy Ray because we know that girls who get attention at home are far less likely to seek it outside the home. And, as I wrote in Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, the most effective way to boost a girl’s self-esteem is to have her father show her more physical affection. Can changing a girl’s behavior be as simple as having her father hug her, pay attention to her and show her that he loves being with her? Yup.

Finally, this is no time to be a wimpy parent. Every parent needs to learn to be comfortable stonewalling their kids when necessary. Specifically, moms and dads need to learn to say “no” to their daughters more frequently and with more authority. Skip the friendship thing- you have the rest of your life to be friends. Engage your kids in conflict because it shows them you care enough to protect them. When it comes to how girls dress, for instance, we mothers seem to lose our minds. We want our girls to “fit in” with their friends and that means we are too lenient with skanky clothes. We need to listen to our husbands when they tell our daughters that they can’t go to school wearing skirts that are two sizes too small and shirts that dive to their navels.

Parents be warned. The world doesn’t like kids very much. Young girls are seduced into believing that in order to be anyone, they need to look and act promiscuous. If they can do it to Hannah Montana, what young girl is off limits?


  1. Well said...a Mom, a Nana and a Great-Nana.

    1. Thank you for this article. Teaching about self-worth and modesty MUST start at a very young age in our culture. I appreciate so much that my husband is tuned in to how our 8 yr. old daughter feels about herself. He is also involved in the clothes she wears. If it's "too tight" or "too short" he asks her to change. We both talk to her about why modesty is important and we try to instill in her that true beauty is inward. I fully realize that she won't always be as compliant and as she is today. That's where the power of prayer comes in as we continue to "reinforce" the values and morals we began teaching her when she was a only a toddler.

  2. This is upsurd! She has a billion dollars and she's over 18. He did interview after interview when she turned 18 showing his disapproval of her behavior and you could clearly see the pain in his eyes. I think it is a crime for you to even mention his name in the same sentence as her behavior! Have a child who has a billion dollars, turns 18 and realizes she can do whatever she wants and let me know HOW you can control that. Pitiful!!!!

    1. If I read correctly this article was actually giving Billy Ray complete benefit of the doubt. The way you control a girl like Miley is through prayer and wisdom from God. Yes she is over 18, but this (although more extreme) is not new behavior for her. She was clearly conditioned to act this way and took to the idea enthusiastically. And unfortunately, it does not appear as though her family and influences are walking with the Lord.

      This was an excellent article and as a young adult woman myself, I am thankful for the truthful challenge it poses for me as a future Christian mom. I am also thankful that despite lack of a strong father figure in my life through the wisdom and grace of God my mom raised me rightly, in spite of how against society it was to do so.

    2. Ah, now had you paid full attention to the Billy Ray interviews you would have heard him take responsibility for how she turned out, admitting he brought her to this point before realizing the errors he made. I feel terrible that his family has turned their backs him and that he has to see what she has become, but she IS a product of her upbringing and a product of HIS decisions. Yes, she is an adult, and yes she is res like responsible for her decisions (even tho mentally she is unprepared and unable to see the consequences ahead), but to call this article a "crime" and "pitiful" is sad indeed...because, alas, he IS responsible for HIS parenting decisions

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. He came out and said today that if he had been in her position he would have done the very same thing. That doesn't sound like he disapproved her behavior.

    5. The best of parents can't always control their child at 20 years of age. Take a 20 year old with so much money and try it. The Hollywood bunch is controlling her to get the money. Of course her father still loves her, you don't love your child just when they are perfect. That don't mean he can control what she does. Lock her up then what would you say? Child abuse of course.

    6. I think this article is right on the subject of affection and discipline.

    7. he also said in an interview right after her performance he was PROUD of her & he would have done the same thing :(

  3. My husband and I were just discussing a lot of these same things. We have an eleven year old daughter and feel like, while it is easier to give in, we have to do our job and create healthy boundaries and say no when it is needed. Thank you for this article.

  4. Miley's mother was in the audience giving her a standing ovation after her "performance."

    1. OH NO, i CAN not believe this , a young mother watching a young CHILD ACT like this.

    2. I guess the next thing will be porn, so sad

    3. Do we know this about her mother for certain?

    4. Barbara, Miley's mother is not young, she's 53. She's as disgusting as Miley.

  5. As horrible as this is. As followers of Jesus, I don't believe it's right to mention names or run people down!!! We need to down self righteousness stones & concentrate on our own walks with the Lord. There's no need to give this stuff anymore glory! The more people talk about it the more glory it gets & trust me...everyone has sins both outward & hidden which are just as outrageous as this act by this girl!! Put the stones down!! Jesus is loving her & her family she just hasn't had a true revelation of what she means to Him yet- that's all sin is!

    1. I have to agree with you, "Anonymous"!
      Though we all have the freedom to speak, I also have a hard time with the comments written by the author of this article. She's greatly assuming a lot of things. She doesn't know the conversations that have taken place behind closed doors between mother, father and daughter. She doesn't know the prayers that have been prayed. She just doesn't know. EASY for her to say, sitting in her chair with her pen and paper, publicly rebuking a man she doesn't know. Wow. I don't like the angle of her article at all!
      Maybe we should talk/write less and pray more for people! God help us!

    2. It does need to be addressed,, many of us were exposed to this one way or another, Miley is a role model for young girls, I do believe the parents are responsible because parenting started a long time ago, not just now that she is over 18, There is a problem with society because of the sexualizing of the youth, those of us who see it need to be watchful of our children, and pray for the lost ones. Dare to make a stand against todays sexual music, dress etc, limit technology for your children instead of going with the flow,,, I'm glad many were shocked this time, but I fear with the direction things are going that the shock will wear off and be a thing of the past just as the victoria secrets commercials use to be shocking to many, not too long ago Rugrats, the simpsons and many other shows were seen as fresh, negative etc, by todays standards its mild to nothing.

    3. "Anonymous Aug 29. 1:50pm" you couldn't have said it any better. But I'm picking a little here and a little there because each comment hits a few points that all adds up. But the hard fact that should be realized, whether Christian or sinner...ready or not ready, if Jesus had put in his appearance right there and then while she was on stage she would not have had the same luck as the thief on the cross. I am definitely not an adolescent entertainer with millions to my portfolio so I cannot imagine her head space right now. As Christians we are viewed as a cliché group but never the less I just want to close by saying its gonna take wisdom, empathy and love while relaying effectively the view of Gods word when it comes to sin if anyone is gonna deal with Miley

    4. Sorry, I don't think that being a follower of Jesus means that you can't call people out on bad behavior. I think if that person needs support or prayers you should offer. But, just because you are a Christian does not mean that you have to smile and say, "Oh, bless your poor heart, Jesus loves you" about everything under the sun. Yes, Jesus does love this family, but that doesn't mean that they can't be called out for their poor choices. What if in the church we never told someone their choices were outside of God's plan or purpose? We could all, Christian and nonChristian, do whatever we pleased without anyone telling us it was wrong or unhealthy of unholy. You can't judge another person's soul. However, you can judge their actions against the word of God and call them out when they are wrong.

    5. A truly biblical explanation! Thank you!

    6. Agreed, 100% Miley's actions are pathetic, but let us pray for her because Jesus loves her as much as He loves the holiest of monks. No exception. May she turn to Jesus just like the prodigal son went back to his father. And let the one without sin throw the first stone.

  6. Her mother gave her a standing ovation and her father tweeted about world peace right after her performance. Enough said.

    1. That was what I found even more shocking,, that mother must be very messed up morally,, if it were my daughter I would have dragged her off stage. why? because I love her,, even if it caused me to be arrested.

  7. I have to say that I agree with "Anonymous" above. It is unfair to assume that Billy Ray has any influence in his adult daughter's life right now, but not necessarily because he doesn't want to. Just because she isn't "cognitively" an adult doesn't mean that she is open to his advice--or anyone else's for that matter. She is old enough to make her own choices regardless of how she may or may not have been raised. Pointing a finger at her father without actual evidence or knowledge of their relationship is just wrong. Even good parents have children who go astray--there just are no guarantees in parenting, even Christian parenting. I've been a huge follower of Dr. Dobson for years, but this article disappoints me.

    1. She even tweeted Days before the VMA to watch out world... you are going to be blown away by what I have instore...... (something to that effect)... And Thick's Wife says she was okay with the whole thing grinding on her husband.. what's that all about... don't understand anymore.. and cut scene to a woman in sea shell bra and a thong prancing about the audience after and showing it all... and acting like it's so normal and we all should be dressed this way. Never in my life have I been so disgusted and left Not Understanding how this could be. (also blessing a bit on how I only have boys. :))Did she have to prove that she is Not Miley C. anymore and a "grown up"????? Some said next is porn don't forget PlayBoy Im sure after all this the calls have been placed.

  8. I pray Miley will have a true meeting with the Lover of her soul and never walk the same.
    My heart broke for her father when I saw this in headlines, she has been seduced and we need to stand with him and pray for Miley. None of us have made all the right decisions while raising our kids, and few of us face the scrutiny of the media. God hears our prayers lets stand in the gap for this family. Jesus said, the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, but I have come to give life. I pray that our God will rescue this family from the enemys snare. In Jesus Name!

    1. I do agree with you "mama"!! My heart also felt pain for her and her family. Lifting this child up now for Gods protection in Jesus' Name!

    2. I totally AGREE with you, MAMA!!!!! WELL SAID!!!

    3. I agree with all of you. I believe we should pray for Miley and her parents. I think we should pray for their salvation and for the other people in the entertainment industry to find Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior also. I have prayed for actors and others to find Christ through the years and have discovered that many of them have found Him. Some of them are in Dove awarded movies.

  9. Apparently and it's heresay really because I have never felt need or desire to watch Miley Cyrus ever, but a credible source said that her mother was in the audience. At the end of her performance gave her a standing ovation. That to me says her parent has pimped out for the love of money. While you & I sit here and judge her and her parents lack of parenting skills, we must remember that in the land of celebrity "there's no such thing as bad publicity" and when the evil one has you in the palm of his hand no amount of finger wiggling will change their behavior.

  10. If it is true her mother was in the audience giving her a standing ovation this tells me where a lot of the problems lie. I have seen interviews w/ Billy Ray where he has said he has tried to be a good father admitting he made a lot of mistakes. He gave up his own singing career to be w/ Miley so she could realize hers. This tells me he is a good father and the only comment I have heard he has made is "I love Miley and will stand by her". This does not say he approves just that he loves her. That's what as a Christian I believe we are suppose to do and be there for our children and try to lead them back to the values we have tried to instill in them.

    1. Loving her and standing by her are 2 different things,, sounds like he still wants to be her friend instead of her Father,, "
      Stand by her in her choices,, NO!! a thousand times NO!! Not that choice, lets not forget,, his career also benefited from hanna montanna, Love does not let you destroy yourself, Love steps in, even if you are seen as bad when you do it.. Many view God as bad because he steps in, but he does anyway, regardless of if we appreciate it or see him as unloving for not giving us what we want.. Time for Billy to be a man/father the right way to that girl before she is totally destroyed,

    2. I have seen the pictures of her mother standing and clapping for her in the audience. I was horrified for Miley. How empty must your soul be if your mother thinks so little of you.


  11. I am appalled at the judgement within this article. We as Christians are by definition-"little Christ". I cant imagine that Jesus our Savior would ever have written an article in such a judgemental way. We ALL have free will. We all decide how to act or not act. I myself have two adult children, who I raised without a father around. They weren't always raised in the church, but we believed in God. When they were 12 and 14 we started attending church Regularly. They got a good foundation and had alot of love and support from our church body. While they both went through their struggles, One learned rather quickly that it wasn't what she wanted for herself while the other one is still trying to find his way. Both are great kids. Both have goals. Both were raised by a single mom. Yet one CHOSE to attend a private Christian University and the other is still struggling to graduate highschool at almost 20. Yet, I am proud of both of them! They are in Gods hands and I trust Him fully with them! Just as he saw me through all of my lifes struggles, He will be there with my two adult children. How does judgement or ridicule help our young grow in Christ? It doesn't! All it will do is push them farther from the Truth of Gods Word! I do not condone all of the behaviors or choices my adult children make, but I will always do my best to be "Christ like" in how I respond to them. This world is full of judgemental people. We as Christians need to try our best to not join them! We are ALL sinners and not one sin is better or worse than another. So STOP judging and start LOVING and PRAYING!

    1. Can I lovingly say I disagree with your premise, you in fact are making a judgement on those who see the wrong in this, You are judging her article to be Non Christlike,, Jesus always spoke up against wrong/sin,,no one is saying, they hate Miley, or Billy Ray,, but I do see the sin being addressed,, I also pray and put my kids in
      Gods hands,, but I also have a responsibility while on this earth to continue in standing for the truth, if we waver ,,then why would our children believe Christianity is any different from any other religion,Do you believe it is any different, if so then Obey God first, let God take care of the rest, we need to be consistent christians, reflecting Gods truth,, In love yes,, but In Truth and that is Christlike.

  12. but robin thicke dancing with naked objectified women in his video is okay? im sorry but even the song has been blamed for rape ish undertones. and you blame the girl? has feminism died? or do women now just like to bash on other women? how quickly we became old farts and forgot all about the behavior of madanna and cher.

    quit blaming women and hold the men accountable.

    1. I agree that many and most people are slut shaming her, which is not right. Why are we also not discussing why women feel they have to act this way? If most men didnt crave/demand this behaviour and respected women more, this wouldn't be something that is normal or expected in women, more specifically young women.

  13. "There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. And you must always keep in mind the choice you make makes you". She chooses to act this way. There are no guarantees what type of adult a child will grow up to be. You could be the most perfect parent (I don't know any, nor am I) and that child you raised could still grow up to be a huge disappointment. You could be the worst parent (I've known some) and have a child grow up to be an amazing adult. You just don't know. It's all about choices.

  14. I have to ask, why were you watching the MTV Awards to begin with? If you saw the video elsewhere, why on earth would you sit and watch it?? I've heard the buzz, but have not - and won't - see the video. So I ask you all, aren't you supporting the motives of her "handlers" whenever you view the video? BE CAREFUL LITTLE EYES WHAT YOU SEE...

    1. It was on the news,, actually every news station,, I didnt want to see it,, it just unfolded before my eyes,, and Im sure many others viewed it that way, then the next day many radio stations played the song,, some at the same time,, I had to shut it off because every time I heard it my brain did an instant replay of what my eyes saw,, and again it was on the news, long enough to insult my spirit, but short enough for me to see before my mind put together what I was seeing.. some days I want to shoot the tv,, and I have the most limited cable,

    2. Why are you listening to secular radio stations?

    3. I was watching to see Nsync--I do not care to see Miley Cyrus anytime! I will not watch a video of that performance, nor do I ever plan to watch the MTV music awards ever again!!

  15. In defense of the writer, I believe she is using this situation as a great example for all parents, not just fathers. I think she is saying that the more time you spend with your child getting to know them and acting like you really care is what is most important in their lives, and may just keep them from ultimately behaving as Miley did. I also think that when someone does something that is clearly hurtful to oneself and someone else, then it is right to speak out and say that it is wrong. Everyone is judgmental at one time or another. When you are clear about what is biblically wrong then it's okay to speak out. That doesn't mean that you don't believe your are not a sinner, we all are, it just means you are stating a fact no an opinion.

  16. My husband and I have shown all three of our children love, discipline, and to honor God. We have raised them in a God honoring home and in God honoring church. We've surrounded them with friends and family who hold to those same values to encourage them in the Lord. And yes, we've prayed; and prayed, and prayed. Shed tears, become so heart sick that I've become physically ill to the point of vomiting! I've stayed out on my driveway on summer nights into summer mornings crying out to God all mighty for our son that became a prodigal. When our children become adults, yes we can STILL try to counsel, direct, guide...but there are just some that choose to walk their own path no matter what they have been taught in their lives. Our prodigal after almost 2 years, an arrest, moving in with ungodly friends, clubbing, etc, has just now started coming back around. He came over about three weeks ago to apologize for all he's done and to ask our forgiveness. He's told us that he's realized he's walked away from God and is trying to work it out (Philippians 2:12
    [ Lights in the World ] So then, my dear friends, just as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence but even more in my absence, continue working out your salvation with awe and reverence,)and is repenting from what he's been living like. I just pray that each of us as believers remembers to pray for the family as a whole! And God grant special grace to those of us in the "public eye". *Did I mention my husband is a youth pastor? How many of you would have cast stones at our son and gossiped about us behind our backs?*

    1. Im sure you did not applaud your son as he did those things you knew were hurtful and destructive,, why the attitude toward your brothers and sisters In christ? The church I go to, we lift our children up in prayer, both the prodigals and faithfuls, that is what love does, the parents never give the impression of approval for their childs sin, but they also make sure they know they are loved and can always come home. not with their sin behavior, that must be left at the door, they dont even have to come to christ to come home,, but they do have to behave accordingly,, ie no disrespect, drugs, sexual immorality,

  17. Sad that there is not more outrage about the 36 year old married father who was onstage with her.

  18. Sad, he should know better. It's really, really sad! We should pray for them both and their families.

  19. We had our doubts as to how we raise our only daughter the right way, but just hearing what Miley did; we now know we have done the right things. Miley disowned her parents values just to be noticed. How empty she must feel when everyone doesn't want to watch her anymore. Parents, I hope we will continue to screen out those undesirables our children want to pal around with. Be willing to take control regardless. Your children want to know you love them. What a lonely life Miley will have later on in life. And to think her children will want to know what she did as a teenager. That will turn her own stomach.

  20. From the article:"We can glean from her performance that she didn’t get nearly enough attention from Billy Ray because we know that girls who get attention at home are far less likely to seek it outside the home. And, as I wrote in Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters, the most effective way to boost a girl’s self-esteem is to have her father show her more physical affection. Can changing a girl’s behavior be as simple as having her father hug her, pay attention to her and show her that he loves being with her? Yup."

    This sounds so right, but is it? "Enough attention." How much is enough? And how would you know, except in hindsight? I'm a father (and grandfather) who knows from personal experience that you can believe with all your heart that you've built an attentive, loving relationship with your daughter only to have her reject (for a time, at least) everything you've instilled and choose an irresponsible and damaging course for her life.

    So no, I don't think we can legitimately draw any conclusions about Billy Ray Cyrus from Miley's performance, nor should we. As the author says herself, "girls who get attention at home are far less likely [note: not guaranteed] to seek it outside the home" and "the most effective [note again: not guaranteed] way to boost her self-esteem is to have her father show her more physical affection."

    I think Dr. Meeker is glossing over the greater reality. Ultimately, our children are in God's hands, not ours. Yes, very often he uses our relationships with them in positive ways to build their character and protect them from pitfalls. But sometimes it becomes very clear what's true of them all: The course of their lives is determined by God and not by us. The need of our children's hearts is ultimately not one we can fill. Only God can do that.

  21. When children reach a certain age they make choices!! I cannot blame this on the parents!! Parents can be very good parents and children still make wrong choices!! Very sad situation!! Such a horrible way for Miley to act!!

  22. While reading this 'article' I kept seeing you blame Billy Ray Cyrus for Miley's actions. This article wasn't about was bashing Billy Ray. And why is the fathers fault? There are two parents in this girls life. Very odd article.

  23. I think this is a very nice article and the writer is just issuing us parents a warning to look out for our children. Irrespective of whether you are a christian or not, you owe it a duty to bring up your child in way that he or she will not be a nuisance to the society. Miley was way off that evening and we should condemn such act. Miley has been acting weirdly of late and her parents should have known that she was going to pull that stunt somehow. Do not make excuses for irresponsible behaviour, rather we all should join hands to condemn it. The next on the line will be drugs if care is not taken.Period.

  24. This article was so sad, judgemental, and assuming. Who are we to judge. We don't even know them. No one in any articles I've read, ever mention Mr. Thicke. What happened to the prodigal son, or free will. I pray for them and her, as well as my own children, nieces and nephews, and their friends. I, as well as my cousins were all raised in christian homes with our fathers there to care for us, some of them even being pastors and working in ministry. Some of us made the right choices, some of us choose to do differently. We are all walking with the Lord today thankfully, but our journeys were not at all the same. I am more than thankful for God's grace and unconditional love for us. Only he can save us, not our fathers, or even pastors. It is a choice we have to make to have a personal relationship with him.

  25. It is really hard to do anything about a daughter who has legal rights as an adult and the financial ability to pull it off. My thinking is people who are concerned need to pray for the entire family (do some serious spiritual warfare) but to expect a parent to publically disapprove of a child's behavior is wrong. It is shaming their child and not effective in eventually reaching them, it could cause their hearts to actually harden. Private discussion of the matter away from the public eye and ear is a whole different thing and something we will never know about (rightfully). The bottom line is that each one of us is responsible for the choices we make. Miley is the person who chose to be this way...she is not a child even if her frontal lobes are not fully developed. Although I don't believe they should give her a standing ovation or public approval neither should they give her public disapproval. One does not wash their dirty linen in public.

  26. Miley is 21.. she's been raised in a culture and environment that is far different than most kids are raised in. She went for shock and she got it. While she might be a bit embarrassed about it, I doubt she lost any sleep over it. What I found far more disturbing than her performance was Robin Thicke. This man is in his later 30's, married and a father and yet he didn't have the decency to turn away from her, play it down, dance the other way, etc. Not only that, he was singing his hit song about near rape and disrespect of women. Read the lyrics of that song, I think you'll find them far more nauseating and repulsive that Miley's performance. We live in a fallen world. We'll see sin paraded around in front of us but it's our responsibility to walk in obedience and humbleness before our God lest we find ourselves falling prey to the wily ways of the evil one. Be careful lest your secret sin gets shouted from the rooftop. Don't ever think you're exempt. You're not and until you breathe your last, there will always be a war waging in your flesh. But you will be over-comers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony. Be responsible for what God has given you, pray for those around you, be wise as serpents, harmless as doves and remember, God looks on the hearts of men, not the outside. Be careful with your words.

  27. "I think that it I important to learn a few things. First, Miley, at 20 years of age, is still cognitively not yet an adult. We know through studies on brain development that the higher brain functions (those that help young people understand behavior and their consequences) aren’t complete. That means that parents must still give strong and clear guidance to 20 -year -old children in order to keep them safe."
    It is shameful that you propose this view. A 20 year old is NOT a child. I was out of the house at 17, with a job and a car and bills I had to pay on my own (and no, I wasn't kicked out of the house). My cognitive functions were well intact before 20 (I've held a steady job since 13).
    This kind of nonsense only encourages parents to allow their kids to be irresponsible and incapable of functioning as the productive adults they should be. How about you expect them to grow up, get them out of the house after graduation (living alone), and let them learn to survive (of course being there to help in EMERGENCIES)?
    Miley may have been raised right and maybe she hadn't but SHE is responsible for HER CHOICES (before man and God), NOT her parents.

  28. I have a question totally not related to Miley! I have heard about how father's should show lots of affection to their daughters. And I love that. I am a mother of 3 boys, though. What do you do for them to feel secure and confident? I wondered if the same would work for them, so I hug the daylights out of my boys! ha ha! But seriously, what do boys need? Thank you!

  29. First, I never pay attention to "Anonymous" replies. If you're not willing to own your comments, don't make them. Your anonymity makes your responses empty and worthless. Dr. Meeker, in my opinion you did an excellent job of interpreting Billy Ray's daughter's performance according to moral and behavioral standards the Bible can support. As a father of two daughters I can without reservation put the responsibility for his daughter's performance on his lack of fatherly influence. As a former teacher of scores of teenage girls in middle school I can say unequivocally that daughters with fathers who engage them, spend time with them and reinforce their value and worth were a bazillion times less likely to wander down destructive paths than those whose fathers were disengaged or not involved in the least with their daughters. Congratulations. I would like to publish this post on my own blog, if you wouldn't mind. My blog is Thank you for taking your stand.
